Cried Out The More

Mark 10:47-52

When You are Crying But Nothing seen not happen cried out the more.

The blind man of Bartimaeus, the Son of Timaeus, Crying out, said Jesus Son Of David have mercy on me. (Mark 10:47)

But it seen Jesus is Not Listen due to people and crown around him, people are holding his peace (Mark 10:48)

He refused to be charged; because he know only Jesus Can heal him, the bible say he " cried the More ", Jesus son of David have mercy on me. (Mark 10:48).

# Many time you are Crying(praying) it seen heaven is not listen, is a lie heaven is listen Just Crying out the more, Let Jesus Know that you have know Where to go, one thing is sure is that God will fulfil is word in ( Matt 7:7).

# Remember this Jesus Stood Still Commanded him to be called (mark 10:49) immediately this man received Jesus Invitation, He cast out his Garment, he rose and Come to Jesus.

Cast out that Garment of sin Arose, and come to Jesus.

# Your Crying (Prayer) Mayn't be Answer today, But Crying out the more Heaven will recognized your voice as he recognized the voice of the blind man in Jesus name. ( mark 10:47-52)

#Keep crying (praying) you will be saved. ( psalm 107:19)

#Cried the more (mark 10:48)

# Never lose Hope, he care about you (1 Peter 5:7)

# believed In him alone; he his your maker ( Isaiah 41: 10)

*Note:* Crying doesn't mean you re weak it means you have a heart.

Cast out The Garment of sin, Arose And Crying out to Jesus.

Crying that your sickness, problems, married, close door, fear, infinity, e.t.c to Jesus today, and heaven will recognized your voice in Jesus name. Amen.

Good Morning Holy Spirit

+Henry Paul Akinmade. (09069777382)


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